My Personal Hobbies and Interests

Some of my hobbies and interests outside of school are tennis, art, reading, playing the piano, running, and shopping. A couple years ago I decided I wanted to take up a sport and decided on tennis. I took lessons for a couple years but once I got into my final year of high school I didn’t have as much spare time which forced me to play tennis in my leisure time. When I was seven years old, my aunt bought me a canvas and fine paints for my birthday. After stroking the paintbrush on the crisp clear canvas for the first time, I fell in love with painting. In my opinion, it’s a beautiful way for one to express themselves without words. I started reading at a very young age and never stopped since. When I have spare time, I love to lie down and sink into a book. My favourite book that I’ve read is “Lovely Bones.” One of my other interests which I find extremely relaxing is playing the piano. I took lessons for almost ten years and am extremely glad that I decided on pursuing to learn how to play. Staying in good physical shape and healthy is a vital part of my life. To stay in good shape I try to go to the gym at least three times a week and work-out. I also love running track and field which is very good exercise.  Finally, something else I love to do in my spare time is shop! My favourite things to shop for are shoes and purses. Some would say I’m a tad obsessed.
